Xian Prem’s Resume


  • 2017 – 2020

    Ph.D. in Psychology

    Dr. Xian achieved her Ph.D. at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology within Sofia University in Palo Alto, CA, USA. Her dissertation was on how gratitude affects the integration of self-transcendent experiences.

    You are welcome to e-mail Dr. Xian if you are interested to participate in further research.

  • 2018-2019

    Spiritual Transformation Coach

    Dr. Xian successfully completed the coaching certification in spiritually transformative experiences by the American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE).

  • 2013-2019

    Strozzi Embodied Leadership and Somatic Bodywork

    Dr. Xian is trained in Strozzi Embodied Leadership. She is certified as a Master Somatic Coach by Strozzi Institute.

  • 2015 – 2017

    Psychology M.A.

    Xian achieved her M.A. in Transpersonal Psychology with specializations in Creative Expression and Transformative Coaching. The program had an emphasis on reconnecting to the heartbeat of the Earth and developing intuition. During the program, Dr. Xian explored case studies and wrote articles exploring her 7Sacred Rhythms® from different angles. Her capstone project was a case study on the approach of identity, a coaching model for personal development including creative expression.

  • 2015 – 2015

    Psychology non-stop BA

    Xian completed a BA in Psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology within Sofia University. The highlight was her capstone on her 7Sacred Rhythms® of Leadership.

  • 1995-1998

    Some Ivy-League BA in Business

    Xian completed her BA in business at a private academy in Germany. This included an internship in the corporate world exploring numerous departments from sales to marketing to production planning and while doing her major in controlling, she spent the final year as a trainee in international subsidiary controlling and financial planning.

  • 2004-2007

    Mystic Residential Academia

    Xian received an invitation from an Indian Swami to study at his academy within an ashram in Rishikesh, India. This included the study of Sanskrit, meditation practices, pranayama, and hatha yoga with frequent 10-day silent retreats. The academic side was based on ancient Sanskrit literature on Yoga and Vedanta, with additional teachings of the mystical side of Christianity, Buddhism, Sufism, Jainism, and Taoism. Frequent international guest speakers, traditional art and tea ceremonies were part of the 3-year residential program. Devi observed additional silence retreats of 40 days and 90 days.

    Soon into the program, Xian was asked to teach hatha yoga, followed by teaching beginning meditation. This led to supporting the yoga teacher training with curriculum adjustments, assisting the academic director, and mentoring new students and guests.

  • 2008-2011

    5Rhythms Movement Meditation

    During the years of 2008-2010 Xian focused on preparing for the 5Rhythms teachers training. 1000+ hours of preparation were followed by the 1-year teacher initiation into facilitating movement by leading along with the teachings of the Tao Te Ching, leading by following. Dj capacities had to be learned along the side. The training focused on the embodiment of the teachings.

  • 2011-2013

    Clarity Breathwork

    Dr. Xian is trained as a Clarity Breathwork practitioner. This is a gentle version based on Leonard D. Orr’s Rebirthing. Dr. Xian assisted in several training courses.

  • 2011-2013

    Licensed Minister

    Dr. Xian followed her heart being trained in the mysteries of full sensory perception and Pleiadian Lightwork. She carries the light forward.

  • 2001-2005

    Yoga Teacher

    Dr. Xian is initiated in the Himalayan Tradition in the lineage of Swami Rama of the Himalayas. She has taught yoga and meditation workshops since 2002 with the blessings of her teacher. Up to today, she stays close friends with her former teachers and colleagues. Special gratitude goes from her heart to this ever-present lineage.

  • 2003

    Traditional Thai Massage

    Certified in Traditional Thai Yoga Massage. Chiang Mai Style

  • 1999

    Children’s Day Care

    Dr. Xian is certified in Children’s Day Care.

  • 1997

    Mentorship of Business Trainees

    (Ausbildereignungsprüfung) Certified by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), Hamburg, Germany

  • 1997

    Bilingual Industrial Management Assistant

    English-German-English (Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin)
    Certified by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Hamburg, Germany

Work History

  • 2018-present

    Owner, Director of Transformative Personal Development

    Ashland, OR

    Founder and Owner, offering transformative coaching sessions, group events in meditation, drama, dream studies, and creative expression.


  • 2015 – 2018

    Owner, Teacher, Somatic Life Coach and Bodywork

    Dolphin Movement LLC
    Mount Shasta, CA

    Dr. Xian was the founder and owner. She offered teachings based on devotional movement meditation. Dr. Xian is the founder of Dolphin Movement. She organized ceremonies in nature, taught dance and meditation workshops including creative expression, and guided participants in their personal transformation. Her favorite was the water ceremony, which allowed participants to add their prayers to a bowl of water, which Dr. Xian then took to pour into the headwaters in Mount Shasta with additional prayers. Her intention was to create awareness for the oceans and the importance of clean water. Dolphin Movement links to the star system and supports people to live in their highest alignment. The teachings are now integrated into CFIT.

    2015 – 2018

  • 2011-present

    Volunteer in Massage, Dance Workshops, Sales, and Security

    Embracing the World Humanitarian Organization

    Dr. Xian has been supporting Mata Amritanandamayi Ma’s non-profit organization Embracing the World in several countries. She has been teaching transformative women’s dance workshops, offered massages, and been selling products from shawls to jewelry at the big conventions as a volunteer.

    Her supervisor said: “She can be placed anywhere. She easily works herself into a department.”


  • 2013-present

    Licensed Minister, Teacher, Trainer, and Practitioner

    DSTI Dolphin Star Temple International
    Mount Shasta, CA

    Dr. Xian is as a valued practitioner, licensed minister, and teacher of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School (DST). In 2015  the school was in a transition after the death of the founder Amorah Quan Yin. Dr. Xian was very supportive during that time with management and administrative decisions. She was the only one of the teachers who lived locally in Mount Shasta, CA, and jumped in with helping to find a new office and conducting job interviews for a new assistant. She continued to be of support representing DST at fares and local festivals in Mount Shasta and Redding, CA, and Ashland, OR during 2015-2017. Additionally, she represented DST with monthly local meditation classes continuing the tradition of the founder, in 2015 and 2016. Her background in over two decades of meditation practice with over a decade of teaching experience as well as being a trained and certified teacher in several traditions beyond being trained in our school and licensed as a minister made this a great community service. She knows how to initiate personal transformation in participants. Dr. Xian got asked to be on the board in 2015 and recently again in 2018 as her input, engagement, and management skills would move the school forward with her creative ideas and solutions. Due to time constraints, she decided not to take the position.


  • 2011-2015

    5Rhythms Teacher of Dance, Drama, and Meditation

    Movement Center School

    Dr. Xian has taught 5Rhythms Movement Meditation workshops and classes, which include dance, drama, and meditation in Germany, India, and the USA.


  • 2005-2007

    Assistant Director and Teacher/Mentor

    Ahymsin/SRSG Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama
    Rishikesh, India

    Dr. Xian was part of ensuring the delivery of quality curricula and maintaining the academic integrity of this profoundly transformative program for personal growth and academic excellence. I provided quality customer service for the student body, teachers in training, and international guests. I assisting the head of the academic program in planning the curriculum at the Gurukulam (transformative and educational study program), preparing the Student Handbook.

    Mentoring international students and guests in transformative processes and program attendance.

    Teaching and team teaching: beginning meditation, subtle body exercises, deep relaxation, breathing exercises, hatha yoga, Indian philosophy specific Yoga-sutras of Patanjali and Philosophy of Hatha Yoga.


  • 2006

    Teacher of the Philosophy and Psyhoclogy of Yoga

    Ahymsin/SRSG Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama
    Rishikesh, India

    Development and delivery of a course in the psychology of yoga as it relates to personal growth. Pedagogy and bridging cultural differences and learning expectations. Dr. Xian taught Indian students whose cultural, religious, and language background was new to an English speaking approach.


  • 2005-2007

    Teacher of the Philosophy and Postures of Yoga

    HYT Yoga Teacher Training
    Rishikesh, India and IONS, California

    Dr. Xian guided meditations, hatha yoga, preparations for home studies in yoga psychology, holistic health, and daily practices during teacher retreats. Part of team to re-create curriculum for the 3-year training.


  • 2002-2003

    Teacher of Yoga Philosophy and Movement

    Community Education Center
    Buxtehude, Germany

    Development of weekly classes and weekend workshops in philosophy and movement.
    Dr. Xian taught Meditation and Yoga Philosophy weekend workshops and weekly classes in deep relaxation, stress release, hatha yoga, and a wellness approach to life. Mentoring of participants in emotionally critical situations.


  • 2001-2003

    Owner and CEO

    Buxtehude, Germany

    Dr. Xian was the founder and was offering high-quality be-to-be phone marketing for making appointments for salespeople as well as offering inbound calls for small companies. Dr. Xian handled human resource management and training of three employees, sales, and marketing, and conducted outbound calls for top clients from high-quality office furniture to medical research. Dr. Xian spoke at conferences and was very active in the local community supporting small business owners.


  • 1998-2000

    Assistant International Controller and Accountant

    BMH Babcock Materials Handling Claudius Peter LLC
    Buxtehude, Germany

    Controlling and accounting with the consolidation of charts of 5 international subsidiaries (Hong Kong, Singapore, Italy, Spain, UK) according to UK GAAP. Dr. Xian transferred accounting sheets from German HGB (German accounting law) to UK GAAP. She created budget sheets and conducted financial planning. Dr. Xian also prepared professional presentations.
