Erleuchtung im Saatkorn
5-Tage Schweigeseminar – Virtuelles Zusammenkommen


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Lieben Gruss,

Dive deep into the silence of your heart.
Sitting and movement meditation with yoga, dance, and nature time.

Encounter yourself as the beauty that you are!

Find new ways of self-care and self-love!

Transform your way of existence in the world!

Leap into a field of compassion and gratitude!

This program is for the purpose of accelerating spiritual growth in yourself and your clients. It is suitable for healthcare practitioners. You will open and deepen your abilities. The program is not for the purpose of going deeply into psychic phenomena. It is a path toward wholeness, Oneness, and becoming consciously responsible for aligning with your Divine Destiny and connection with God/Goddess/All That Is.

This training is specifically to enhance your resilience, be in your own higher alignment and powerfully hold space for your clients. I will guide you specifically how you can enhance your offer, clear negative energies out of the space and consciously raise the frequencies in your body and your office space. This includes appropriate self-clearing in preparation for the multidimensional work. This training is based on Multi-dimensional work and my 35 years of movement/somatics and intense inner spiritual work. You will learn how to read energies and consciously work with them.

Retreats are a beautiful way to inquire into the depth of your soul’s whispers. Enjoy silence, meditation, and movement. Share the time with like-minded people. Connect with colleagues.

We will address your specific questions. On application or referral only.

I am dedicated to supporting you to follow your soul’s calling. This is an empowerment program to guide you home to your own true essence.

Silence Retreat in the Center of Your Heart
Thursday, May 28 to Monday, June 1, 2020 USA
Friday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 2, 2020 New Zealand


Personal Skype sessions and remote sessions while you are resting available during the retreat at a discounted rate of $108/hour (instead of $150/hour).

Suitable for healthcare practitioners!


“Devi is an amazing teacher. She is truly living what she is teaching. Her example of how she lives her life and pours love into her connections and relationships is an amazing example and has deeply inspired me. I honor her way of being, how she guides sessions, meditations and trains future practitioners. Thank you so much for your work and dedication.”
“The soothing  music and great overlays of this Dolphin dance was very nurturing and placed me deeply into a very soulful Heart Space. Thank you dear Devi!”